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Software Development Blog
CTO Organizational Structure [by Startup Growth Stage]

CTO Organizational Structure [by Startup Growth Stage]

When setting up an organizational structure for a technology startup, several questions arise such as which type of structure to start with, when to transition to accommodate growth. In this article, we demystified the CTO Organizational Structure, unveiled its pros and cons, and revealed the roles and the impact a CTO makes all through the startup’s growth stages.

AWS Lambda Architecture Best Practices

AWS Lambda Architecture Best Practices

With the evolution of technology from mainframe computers to personal computers and cloud computing, the one thing that is constant is the need to make technology more efficient, convenient and affordable.

AWS Serverless Architecture — Why does it matter?

AWS Serverless Architecture — Why does it matter?

A serverless cloud computing execution model is one where the cloud provider dynamically manages the provision and allocation of servers. When you want to build an app, your development structure is broken down into two major parts. The first part includes general expectations for the running of the app, this is what AWS calls the “undifferentiated heavy lifting” generally found in every app and usually common from one to the other and includes things like setting up and running the servers where you deploy the app or running your CD tools.

How To Setup Redux Slices with Redux Toolkit

How To Setup Redux Slices with Redux Toolkit

Redux Toolkit popularity is growing every month. What exactly helps developers to write code faster, easier, more clearly? One of the helpers is `createSlice` function. `createSlice` takes an object of reducer functions, a slice name, and an initial state value and lets us auto-generate action types and action creators, based on the names of the reducer functions that we supply. It also helps you organize all of your Redux-related logic for a given slice into a single file.

7 Ways AI Document Management Adds Value To Business
intelligent document processing

7 Ways AI Document Management Adds Value To Business

AI document management systems are transforming the way in which a business operates. They are essential to ensure that organization employees are working with the most current and relevant data available. It also saves valuable time for your employees, which would otherwise spend in processing and organizing data from documents. In this article, we presented 7 different ways that AI can add value to your business.

Python and Impala — Quick Overview and Samples

Python and Impala — Quick Overview and Samples

Today we would like to switch gears a bit and get our feet wet with another BigData combo of Python and Impala. The reason for this is because there are some limitations that exist when using Hive that might prove a deal-breaker for your specific solution. Impala might be a better route to take instead.

How To Setup Redux with Redux Toolkit

How To Setup Redux with Redux Toolkit

In this Redux Tutorial you will learn how to setup Redux using latest libraries and techniques available in 2020 and Redux Toolkit which will simplify your logic and ensure that your redux setup has good defaults.

9 Quick Ways to Optimize & Speed Up Queries in Django

9 Quick Ways to Optimize & Speed Up Queries in Django

Django's ORM empowers developers by offering a seamless bridge to databases without the intricacies of detailed SQL queries. Yet, the convenience of the ORM doesn't absolve us from the pitfalls of suboptimal queries which can throttle performance and burden servers. In this article we show 9 quick ways to speed up queries in Django.